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Reference: IBB-TEX-#X217
Brand: I bike Berlin
Made in Germany - Printed and designed in BerlinWitzige Warnweste mit I Bike Berlin Logo auf dem Rücken. Die Weste lässt sich über einen Wintermantel tragen.Zwei Größen: M (152-170 cm), XL (164-194 cm)
Reference: IBB-FTEIL-#PLETSCHER-54112.00
Brand: Pletscher
Reference: IBB-TEX-#STSM617
Brand: I bike Berlin
Flauschige Kapuzenjacke mit I Bike Berlin Logo auf dem Rücken
AXA STENMAN INDUSTRIES has a long and rich history, dating back to 1902. The basis for one of the two current successful core business is already established in the twenties, the forerunner of the present company started production and sales of hardware. Twenty years later, a ring lock for bicycles was introduced. This marks the start of a range of bike components, the second core activity as it is now.
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