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Reference: IBB-TEX-#X217
Brand: I bike Berlin
Made in Germany - Printed and designed in BerlinWitzige Warnweste mit I Bike Berlin Logo auf dem Rücken. Die Weste lässt sich über einen Wintermantel tragen.Zwei Größen: M (152-170 cm), XL (164-194 cm)
Reference: IBB-FTEIL-#PLETSCHER-54112.00
Brand: Pletscher
Reference: IBB-TEX-#STSM617
Brand: I bike Berlin
Flauschige Kapuzenjacke mit I Bike Berlin Logo auf dem Rücken
Simson has an impressive and turbulent history behind it since its inception in 1881. It is one of the best known and iconic products in the Dutch stores. Simson has recently gained a very strong market position, largely thanks to the almost iconic red and black tire repair kit. Almost every Dutch household does have a Simson tire repair kit at home.
Since 2007, the Simson product range renewed, thereby opted for an innovative design with a nod to the past. What began with adhesives and solution 135 years ago has grown into a complete range of bicycle parts and accessories. The Simson range, which includes over 400 articles, is divided into three different product groups: bicycle parts, bicycle accessories and bicycle maintenance.
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