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Reference: IBB-TEX-#X217
Brand: I bike Berlin
Made in Germany - Printed and designed in BerlinWitzige Warnweste mit I Bike Berlin Logo auf dem Rücken. Die Weste lässt sich über einen Wintermantel tragen.Zwei Größen: M (152-170 cm), XL (164-194 cm)
Reference: IBB-FTEIL-#PLETSCHER-54112.00
Brand: Pletscher
Reference: IBB-TEX-#STSM617
Brand: I bike Berlin
Flauschige Kapuzenjacke mit I Bike Berlin Logo auf dem Rücken
The Polisport Group, founded in 1978, was born of the passion of its CEO, Pedro Araújo, for the two-wheeled world, focusing and specializing in these markets ever since. Based on internationalization, innovation and quality of customer service, it has been expanding its portfolio of clients and markets and is now present in more than 60 countries around the world.
The Group specializes in bicycle accessories and off-road motorcycles, and is already established as a market leader with a growing international presence.
The Polisport Group exports 95% of its production, and today it is made up of approximately 355 employees distributed by 7 companies, which allow the various brands in its portfolio to work and which cover, to a large extent, the entire production process of the Group:
- Polisport Plásticos S.A
- Polinter Plásticos S.A
- Polisport Molds, Lda
- Headgy Helmets
- Bobike
- Polisport Brasil
- Polipromotion
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